20250113, [Service] Prof. Irwin King was accepted to Senior Area Chair (SAC) for the Research Track of the KDD 2025 Conference to be held in Toronto, Canada. Congratulations to Prof. Irwin King.
20241209, [Service] Prof. Irwin King served as Honorary Chair for the 23rd IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 9-12 December 2024. Bangkok, Thailand.
20241118, [Service] Prof. Irwin King was invited to join the Program Committee for the History of the Web Track at Web Conference 2025, Sydney, Australia. Congratulations to Prof. Irwin King.
20241029, [Service] Prof. Irwin King accepted the invitation to join APSCE CTE-STEM SIG Members, https://apsce.net/ by ctestem2025@gmail.com. Congratulations to Prof. Irwin King.
20241107, [Service] Prof. Irwin King was accepted to serve on the Task Force on Review of the Guidelines on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Teaching, Learning, and Assessments
20240922. [Service] Prof. Irwin King was accepted as a PC member. The 9th International Conference on CTE-STEM 2025 at EdUHK & SUSTech, 18-20 June 2025. The conference is organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE). Congratulations to Prof. Irwin King.